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Cole Fine Guns and Gunsmithing

Cole Custom Acrylic Grind-To-Fit Spacers

Cole Custom Acrylic Grind-To-Fit Spacers

Regular price $ 20.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $ 20.00 USD
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Cole Custom Acrylic Grind-To-Fit Spacers

Looking to add a subtle pop of color to your shotgun! Introducing our new Grind-to-Fit spacers.

Our Cole Custom Acrylic Grind-To-Fit Spacers are designed for superior performance and durability. These laser-cut acrylic shotgun spacers offer superior shatter resistance and are guaranteed to meet your exact specifications. Get the most customization out of your shotgun with Cole's immaculate design and unbeatable quality.

Available 1/8" or 1/4" thick and a wide variety of colors!

Please note that these spacers are grind-to-fit and require gunsmithing for proper installation.

Opaque Colors are very subtle, specifically the green and blue. If you are looking for a more vibrant pop of color, we recommend the Solid Color variants